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wear through造句

"wear through"是什么意思  
  • The socks were worn through in places .
  • The child 's trousers have worn through at the knees .
  • My clothes were beginning to rot, my stockings in particular were quite worn through .
  • Johnny has worn through the seat of his pants
  • I have worn through the elbows of this old coat at last
  • The seat of his pants was worn through
  • He had worn through his coat at the elbows
  • My heel wore through the carpeting beneath the accelerator of my car
  • We allow for wear through friction in designing the parts of every machine
  • He had worn through the blanket - wrappings , and his feet were shapeless lumps of raw meat
  • It's difficult to see wear through in a sentence. 用wear through造句挺难的
  • This proven system negates the need for gear replacement if the strut bottoms should ever wear through
  • This proven system negates the need for gear replacement if the strut bottoms should ever wear through
  • Napoleon was standing a little in front of his marshals , on a little grey arab horse , wearing the same blue overcoat he had worn through the italian campaign
  • " without reflecting that this is the only moment in which you can study character , " said the count ; " on the steps of the scaffold death tears off the mask that has been worn through life , and the real visage is disclosed
    “而且这是您可以研究个性的唯一时机, ”伯爵说道。 “在断头台的踏级上,死撕掉了人一生所戴的假面具,露出了真面目。
  • Through several years ' development , just like an old saying that dripping water can wear through a stone , xxx technology company has achieved great progress and success , and its business scope now expands constantly , and the company also takes on a new scene of prosperity and flourish
    "水滴石穿,聚砂成塔" ,经过几年的发展, xxx已经获得长足发展,公司业务不断增多,规模不断壮大,呈现一片蒸蒸日上的美好景象。
  • Then , an optimal design to minimize tyre wear is performed , which brings forward the way to reduce tyre wear through optimal choosing and modulating original deposition of double - link independent suspension and optimizing the cut point of track rodin
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